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SAMI3 (3.22)

SAMI3: Global Ionosphere/Plasmasphere Model

Model Description

SAMI3 (Sami3 is A Model of the Ionosphere) is a seamless, three-dimensional, physics-based model of the ionosphere. It is based on SAMI2, a two-dimensional model of the ionosphere [Huba et al., 2000]. SAMI3 models the plasma and chemical evolution of seven ion species (H+, He+, N+, O+, N+2, NO+ and O+2). The temperature equation is solved for three ion species (H+, He+ and O+) and for the electrons. Ion inertia is included in the ion momentum equation for motion along the geomagnetic field. This is important in modeling the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere where the plasma becomes collisionless. The neutral composition, temperature, and winds can be specified in SAMI3 by the empirical models NRLMSISE00 and HWM14. SAMI3 includes 21 chemical reactions and radiative recombination. SAMI3 uses the EUVAC model for solar radiation. SAMI3 uses a nonorthogonal, nonuniform, fixed grid for the magnetic latitude range +/- 88 degrees. The electric field, driven by the neutral wind dynamo, is determined from the solution of a 2D potential equation [Huba et at., 2008]. The high latitude electric field is calculated from the empirical Weimer model for the potential. The model uses the Richmond apex model [Richmond, 1995] to specify the magnetic field (i.e., IGRF).

Model Figure(s) :

  • SAMI3 3.X sample output diagram
  • Model Inputs Description

    F10.7 (1 day)
    F10.7A (3 month average)
    Ap index
    Kp Index

    Model Outputs Description

    ion density
    ion temperature
    ion velocity
    electron temperature
    TEC (Total Electron Content)
    Electron Density
    ExB drifts 

    Model Caveats


    Change Log

    12/02/2024: SAMI3 coupled with WACCM-X is available for SAMI3 Runs-On-Request simulation service at the CCMC.
    The codes are one-way coupled in that WACCM-X provides the neutral composition, temperature, and winds as inputs to SAMI3. WACCM-X can self-consistently resolve mesoscale and large-scale gravity waves, tides, and planetary waves. With the inputs from WACCM-X, SAMI3 can self-consistently generate equatorial plasma bubbles.

    Model Acknowledgement/Publication Policy (if any)


    Model Domains:


    Space Weather Impacts:

    Ionosphere variability (navigation, communications)

    Phenomena :


    Simulation Type(s):


    Temporal Dependence Possible? (whether the code results depend on physical time?)


    Model is available at?


    Source code of the model is publicly available?


    CCMC Model Status (e.g. onboarding, use in production, retired, only hosting output, only source is available):


    Code Language:


    Regions (this is automatically mapped based on model domain):

    Contacts :

    Joseph.D.Huba, ModelDeveloper
    Min-Yang.Chou, ModelHostContact
    Jia.Yue, ModelHostContact

    Acknowledgement/Institution :

    Relevant Links :

    Publications :

  • Huba, J.D., G. Joyce, and J.A. Fedder, SAMI2 (Sami2 is Another Model of the Ionosphere): A New Low-Latitude Ionosphere Model J. Geophys. Res., 105, 23,035, 2000.
  • Huba, J.D., G. Joyce, and J. Krall, Three-dimensional equatorial spread F modeling, Geo- phys. Res. Lett. 35, L10102, doi:10.1029/2008GL033509, 2008.
  • Richmond, A., Ionospheric electrodynamics using magnetic apex coordinates, J. Geomag. Geoelec. 47, 191, 1995.
  • Huba, J.D. and G. Joyce, Global modeling of equatorial plasma bubbles, Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L17104, doi:10.1029/2010GL044281, 2010.
  • Huba, J.D. and J. Krall, Modeling the plasmasphere with SAMI3, Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, doi:10.1029/2012GL054300, 2013.
  • Huba, J.D. and H.-L. Liu, Global modeling of equatorial spread F with SAMI3/WACCM-X, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL088258. doi:10.1029/2020GL088258, 2020
  • Model Access Information :

    Access URL:
    Access URL Name: Runs-on-Request
    Repository ID: spase://CCMC/Repository/NASA/GSFC/CCMC
    Availability: online
    AccessRights: OPEN
    Format: HTML
    Encoding: None

    Access URL:
    Access URL Name: Public Repository
    Repository ID: spase://CCMC/Repository/NASA/GSFC/CCMC
    Availability: online
    AccessRights: OPEN
    Format: HTML
    Encoding: None

    Linked to Other Spase Resource(s) (example: another SimulationModel) :

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    Curator: Chiu Wiegand | NASA Official: Dr. Masha Kuznetsova | Privacy and Security Notices | Accessibility | CCMC Data Collection Consent Agreement