solarwind |
Flag indicating whether solar wind data are constant (initial values) or variable (var). |
var |
const |
var |
sw_source |
Name of the spacecraft or data source used to generate solar wind input information. Currently one of ACE-RT ACE-L2, WIND, OMNI, DSCOVR (real time) |
User-submitted data may be from any source or made-up. |
Bx |
Sun-Earth component of solar wind magnetic field. |
Bx is usually held constant (zero or average of observed values) to conserve div.B at the front boundary. Alternatively, oblique phase fronts can be assumed that update solar wind conditions along those fronts throughout the front boundary. Bx is then approximated as a linear combination of time dependent By and Bz. |
nT |
-1.341 |
-100 |
100 |
By |
Dawn-dusk component of solar wind magnetic field. |
nT |
1.847 |
-100 |
100 |
Bz |
North-south component of the solar wind magnetic field. B_z is most important magnetic field component to drive or inhibit geomagnetic activity. Other components play a role in connection with the orientation of the Earth's dipole field. |
nT |
-1.514 |
-100 |
100 |
Vx |
Sun-Earth component of solar wind velocity. |
Low solar wind speed (less than 200 km/s in magnitude) usually indicates poor statistics in the solar wind plasma measurements. |
km/s |
-571.56 |
-3000 |
-200 |
Vy |
Plasma velocity in dawn-dusk direction. |
The orbital velocity of Earth (about 29 km/s) is usually neglected. |
km/s |
-3.306 |
-500 |
500 |
Vz |
Solar wind plasma velocity in north-south direction. |
km/s |
2.193 |
-500 |
500 |
N |
Solar wind plasma density. |
Mass density described in terms of number of protons per cubic centimeter. |
AMU/cm^3 |
3.822 |
0.1 |
100 |
T |
Solar wind plasma temperature. |
Derived from observed distribution of solar wind particles. Can fluctuate widely when density N is at or below 1 AMU/cm^3. |
K |
45121.3 |
10000 |
2000000 |
SW density floor |
Lowest value of N applied during pre-processing of solar wind input data. |
The density floor in the solar wind varies by magnetosphere model and it's numerical stability. A similar floor may be imposed inside the magnetotail lobes where the density may drop lower than in the solar wind. |
AMU/cm^3 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
2.5 |