B_nT |
Initial IMF components are given in [GSM x,y,z] and [nT].
NOTE: B_IMF/E_IMF are maintained at the inflow boundary.
NOTE: B_nT defines wci.
nT |
0. 0. -5. |
0. 0. -10. |
0. 0. 10. |
always_3Ddipole |
Enables 3D dipole in 2D simulation. NOTE: Set it to 'true' for 2D simulations to use 3D dipole. |
false |
T/F |
domain_len |
Logical domain dimensions. |
number of cells |
1000 1300 650 |
number of cells |
number of cells |
domain_physlen |
Physical domain lengths. |
di |
1000. 1300. 650. |
number of di |
number of di |
stretch_uboxlo |
Uniform box lower end [code x,y,z]. Note: see figure in "Step 3: Stretched mesh in the submission interface https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/requests/GM/HYPERS/hypers_user_registration.php".
di |
100. 200. 100. |
for example for main.domain_len= 550 650 650 # domain dimensions [cells] main.domain_physlen= 550. 650. 650. # domain lengths [di] e.g. stretch_uboxlo =50. 100. 100. |
stretch_uboxhi |
Uniform box upper end in [code x,y,z].
Note: see figure in "Step 3: Stretched mesh in the submission interface https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/requests/GM/HYPERS/hypers_user_registration.php". |
di |
1000. 1100. 550. |
for example for main.domain_len= 550 650 650 # domain dimensions [cells] main.domain_physlen= 550. 650. 650. # domain lengths [di] e.g. stretch_uboxlo =50. 100. 100. |
stretch_sclo |
Stretched mesh lower end stretch factor.
NOTE: e.g. ,1 20 20 (1 = no stretching).
20. 20. 20. |
1 (1 =no stretching) |
30 |
stretch_schi |
Stretched mesh upper end stretch factor.
NOTE: e.g., 1 20 20 (1 = no stretching).
1. 20. 20. |
1 |
30 |
dtheta |
Dipole angle in [GSM x,z] with respect to – GSM X
NOTE: dtheta=-78. => summer in northern hemisphere. |
degrees |
-90. |
magnetopause_radius |
Nominal magnetopause standoff distance. |
di |
200. |
50 depending on the domain size |
125 depending on the domain size |
n_cm3 |
Solar wind electron number density.
NOTE: Used to compute wpi,Va. |
cm-3 |
5. |
5 |
20 |
v_kms |
Solar wind speed >0. NOTE: Used to compute Alfven Mach. |
km/s |
400. |
400 |
1000 |
tempe_eV |
Solar wind electron temperature.
eV |
25. |
5 |
15 |
Number of IMF rotations (0 for constant IMF). Max: 2 (current)
NOTE: Arbitrary number of rotations will be automated later.
0 |
0 |
2 |
newIMFSta |
IMF rotation start times (NIMF entries).
code |
1.0 1.4e3 |
0 |
Max: simulation period |
newIMFEnd |
IMF rotation end times (NIMF entries).
code |
1.2 1.5e3 |
0 |
Max: simulation period |
newIMF_nT0 |
First value of rotated IMF given in [GSM x,y,z] and [nT]
NOTE: Not used if NIMF = 0. |
nT |
0. 0. -5. |
0. 0. 5. |
0. 0. 5. |
newIMF_nT1 |
Second valued of rotated IMF given in [GSM x,y,z] and [nT]
NOTE: Not used if NIMF <=1.
0. 0. 5. |
newIPDStart |
IPD (interplanetary discontinuity) start time.
code |
0 |
simulation period |
newIPDDensscale |
New to old solar wind ion density ratio.
>=1 |
5 |
newIPDTempscale |
New to old solar wind ion temperature ratio.
>=1 |
4 |
newIPDVeloscale |
New to old solar wind speed ratio. |
>=1 |
2 |
obstacle_center |
Obstacle center position [code x,y,z].
E.g. 300. 325. 325. NOTE: Compare with domain and uniform patch settings.
di |
600. 650. 325. |
obstacle_radius |
obstacle radius. |
di |
140. |
70 |
90 |
obsres |
Obstacle resistivity. NOTE: perfectly conducting obstacle = 0.
code |
0. |
0 |
1 |
picOBC |
Obstacle BC for particles: absorb or reflect. |
absorb |
absorb/reflect |
reflect/absorb |
simulation_type |
Type of the simulation (2D or 3D) |
2D |