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Run Description

CCMC ROR run for NAIRAS 3.0 with RORID WKent_Tobiska_050623_IT_1

Simulation Time:

Simulation Start Time: 2016-12-01T21:30:00Z
Simulation End Time: 2016-12-01T21:30:00Z
Time Step in second:
Simulation Time Description:
Simulation Time Caveats:

Temporal Dependence (whether the outputs of the simulation code are time-dependent?): true



Simulation Domain :

Contacts :

WKent.Tobiska, ModelUser

List of Run Input Parameter Grouping and their associated properties :

Name Description Caveats Properties
Trajectory based
Instantaneous, time integrated quantities (fluence), integral LET flux, along a user-specified trajectory
There is a time limit. Otherwise, it would take too long.
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
User-provided trajectory file
trajectory file with the required format
Instantaneous dose quantities (at a point along the trajectory). 

Effective Dose: related to whole-body biological risk. In most cases, this is strictly a calculated quantity. 

Ambient Dose Equivalent: An operational proxy for Effective Dose defined by ICRP. This is a measurable quantity.

Tissue Equivalent:  A quantity related to tissue biological risk and defined by ICRP.  This is a measurable quantity.

Absorbed Dose in Tissue: The measure of energy per unit mass deposited by ionizing radiation in tissue. This is a measurable quantity.

Absorbed Dose in Silicon: This is a measurable quantity. 

If selected, the instantaneous dose quantities will be provided as output.
Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
Dose quantities integrated over a period of time.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, Integral GCR LET flux will be provided as output.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, otherwise 0.
If selected, the GCR integral LET fluence (fluence above certain LET values) will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
Trapped integral proton flux will be provided as (part of) the model outputs if selected.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
Trapped integral proton fluence will be provided as (part of) the outputs.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, SEP integral proton flux will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, SEP integral proton fluences will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, GCR differential LET flux will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, GCR differential LET fluence will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, trapped proton differential flux will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, trapped proton differential fluence will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, SEP proton differential flux will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
If selected, SEP proton differential fluence will be provided.

Value of 1 indicates the product is selected, 0 - not selected.
GCR LET lower bound selection. Suggested value: >1 MeV-cm^2/mg, >8 MeV-cm^2/mg). Rationale: these values are used by NASA KSC/Space-X to assess spacecraft single-event effects.
5.0e-4 MeV-cm^2/mg 43.0 MeV-cm^2/mg
Lower Bounds of Trapped Integral Proton Energy Channels	in MeV. Suggested values of energy channels (>MeV): 45.0, 70.0, 75.0, 83.0, 86.0, 90.0, 93.0, 96.0, 100.0, 104.0, 110.0, 115.0, 124.0, 128.0, 132.0, 135.0, 140.0, 146.0, 149.0, 154.0, 162.0, 168.0, 172.0, 178.0, 182.0. Rationale: these values are used by NASA KSC/Space-X to assess spacecraft single-event effects.
MeV 0.01 1750.
Lower Bounds of SEP Integral Proton Energy Channels in MeV. Suggested values of energy channels (>MeV): 30.0, 35.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0, 105.0, 110.0, 115.0, 120.0, 125.0, 130.0, 135.0, 140.0, 145.0, 150.0, 155.0, 160.0, 165.0, 170.0, 175.0, 180.0, 185.0. Rationale: these values are used by NASA KSC/Space-X to assess spacecraft single-event effects.
MeV 0.01 1.0e6
Unit of shielding depth for dosimetric quantities: g/cm2, cm, or mils.
Shielding depths.

Suggested value is 0,4,50 g/cm^2, where 0 g/cm^2 corresponds to no shielding, 4 g/cm^2 corresponds to an aircraft / spacecraft shielding, and 50 g/cm^2 corresponds to median shielding environment for ISS dosimeter locations.
0 g/cm^2 100 g/cm^2
Comma-separated values of lower bounds for differential and integrated quantities.

Suggested value is 0,4,50 g/cm^2, where 0 g/cm^2 corresponds to no shielding, 4 g/cm^2 corresponds to an aircraft / spacecraft shielding, and 50 g/cm^2 corresponds to median shielding environment for ISS dosimeter locations.
0 g/cm^2 100 g/cm^2
Unit of shielding depth for differential and integral flux and fluence quantities: g/cm2, cm, or mils.
Global products
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
If selected, the user will be provided with all global products: 1. Global maps of different types of doses at different altitudes, 2. Dose quantities along some given flight paths, 3. Cutoff rigidity map.

Value of 1 indicates the product group is selected, 0 - not selected.
Choice of magnetic field model. Option to select either the TS05, T89, or IGRF magnetospheric magnetic field model. The 'Best Available' option selects TS05 model from 1995 and on, T89 between 1932 and 1994, and IGRF otherwise.
TS05 model is available 1995-present only. TS05

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