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CMR: View Simulation Run Info


Run Description

CCMC ROR run for NRLMSIS 00 with RORID Swati_Chowdhury_052424_IT_1

Simulation Time:

Simulation Start Time: 2017-11-25T00:00:00Z
Simulation End Time: 2017-12-08T00:00:00Z
Time Step in second: 900
Simulation Time Description:
Simulation Time Caveats:

Temporal Dependence (whether the outputs of the simulation code are time-dependent?): true



Simulation Domain :

Contacts :

Swati.Chowdhury, ModelUser

List of Run Input Parameter Grouping and their associated properties :

Run Access Information :

Keyword(s) :

Latitude 8.5, Longitude 76.9,\\r\\nLatitude 17.4, Longitude 78.4\\r\\nHeight range 0-500 km\\r\\nTime 0-24 hr, 1 hour data

Linked to Parent Spase Resource(s) (example: SimulationModel) :


List of Publications Referencing this Run :

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