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Run Description

CCMC ROR run for PBMOD 6.3 with RORID Andres_CardenasContreras_060723_IT_3

Simulation Time:

Simulation Start Time: 2023-06-07T01:40:57Z
Simulation End Time: 2023-06-07T01:40:57Z
Time Step in second: 15 min
Simulation Time Description:
Simulation Time Caveats:

Temporal Dependence (whether the outputs of the simulation code are time-dependent?): true



Simulation Domain :

Contacts :

Andres.Cardenas, ModelUser

List of Run Input Parameter Grouping and their associated properties :

Name Description Caveats Properties
All settings for PBMOD model
All settings for PBMOD model 
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
run duration
hour 7
15 min
F10.7 - solar radio flux at 10.7 cm - used as a measure of solar activity. The model automatically loads the F10.7 values for that day from GFZ
Ap index - The Ap index is a daily measure of magnetic activity. The model automatically loads the Ap values for that day (
Geomagnetic Activity index. The model automatically loads the Kp values for that day. (
Neutral wind model
Horizontal Wind Model 2007 (HWM07)
Atmosphere model
MSIS (Hedin, 1987)
Ion and electron temperatures
The ion and electron temperatures are based on the empirical model of Brace and Theis [1981].
Production and loss rates of O+
Production and loss rates of O+ are calculated
from the local model of Jasperse [1974]; production rates
used the solar EUV fluxes derived from the algorithm of
Hinteregger [1981].
starting time (UT hours)
hr 0
Use IGRF field model (+lgmdb). If this is turned off, then the tilted dipole field model is used. (Several of the neutral models do have this turned off for efficiency, -lgmdb, to prevent the gm database from being loaded, since geomagnetic parameters are not used in those models.)

Run Access Information :

Keyword(s) :

Ionosphere, Model, GNSS

Linked to Parent Spase Resource(s) (example: SimulationModel) :


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