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Run Description

CCMC ROR run for TIE-GCM 2.0 with RORID Federico_Gasperini_020121_IT_1

Simulation Time:

Simulation Start Time: 2019-01-01T00:20:00Z
Simulation End Time: 2019-01-31T00:20:00Z
Time Step in second: 1200
Simulation Time Description:
Simulation Time Caveats:

Temporal Dependence (whether the outputs of the simulation code are time-dependent?): true



Simulation Domain :

Contacts :

Federico.Gasperini, ModelUser

List of Run Input Parameter Grouping and their associated properties :

Name Description Caveats Properties
All settings for TIE-GCM model
All settings used to run TIE-GCM model
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Daily F10.7 cm solar flux. This can be provided either as a single constant (F107), or several time-dependent values (F107_TIME). If GPI_NCFILE is set and F107 is not set, then F107 will be set from the data. The below example of F107_TIME increases the f10.7 flux from 120 to 150 in the first hour of model time, then to 200 by the fifth hour. Values are linearly interpolated at each time-step.

Data type: real or real array

F107 = 120.
F107_TIME = 80,0,0,120., 80,1,0,150., 80,5,0,200.
99 70 200
Geomagnetic Activity index. If KP is specified and POWER and/or CTPOTEN are commented, then the given KP will be used with empirical formulas to calculate POWER and/or CTPOTEN, which are used in the Auroral parameterization.

KP can be provided as a scalar constant (KP), or as a series of time-dependent values (KP_TIME), as in the below examples. KP cannot be set if GPI_NCFILE data file is specified.

Empirical formula used to calculate POWER from KP (see function hp_from_kp in util.F):

if (kp <=7.) hp_from_kp = 16.82*exp(0.32*kp)-4.86
if (kp > 7.) hp_from_kp = 153.13 + (kp-7.)/(9.-7.)*(300.-153.13)
Empirical formula used to calculate CTPOTEN from KP (see function ctpoten_from_kp in util.F):

ctpoten_from_kp = 15.+15.*kp + 0.8*kp**2

KP = 4.0
KP_TIME = 80,0,0,4., 80,6,0,4.5, 80,12,0,5.0
5 0 9
X-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BXIMF), or series of time-dependent values (BXIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BXIMF is not provided, then BXIMF will be taken from the IMF data file.

Data type: real or real array

BXIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
BXIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
nT 00
Y-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BYIMF), or series of time-dependent values (BYIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BYIMF is not provided, then BYIMF will be taken from the IMF data file.

Data type: real or real array

BYIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
BYIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
nT 00
Z-component of the IMF. Can be specified as either a constant (BZIMF), or series of time-dependent values (BZIMF_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and BZIMF is not provided, then BZIMF will be taken from the IMF data file.

Data type: real or real array

BZIMF = 0. ; constant for entire run
BZIMF_TIME = 80,0,0,40., 80,1,0,30., 80,5,0,20. ; time series
nT -40
Solar Wind Density (#/cm-3). Can be specified as either a constant (SWDEN), or series of time-dependent values (SWDEN_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and SWDEN is not provided, then it SWDEN will be taken from the IMF data file.

Data type: real or real array

SWDEN = 4.0 ; constant for entire run
SWDEN_TIME = 80,0,0,2., 80,1,0,3., 80,2,0,4. ; time series
#/cm-3 60
Solar Wind Velocity (Km/s). Can be specified as either a constant (SWVEL), or series of time-dependent values (SWVEL_TIME). If IMF_NCFILE is set and SWVEL is not provided, then it SWVEL will be taken from the IMF data file.

Data type: real or real array

SWVEL = 400. ; constant for entire run
SWVEL_TIME = 80,0,0,100., 80,1,0,200., 80,2,0,300. ; time series
Km/s 400

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