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Run Description

CCMC ROR run for SWMF 20180525 with RORID michelle_mendoza_20210526_GM-EXO_2

Simulation Time:

Simulation Start Time: 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z
Simulation End Time: 2000-01-01T00:30:00Z
Time Step in second: 1800
Simulation Time Description:
Simulation Time Caveats:

Temporal Dependence (whether the outputs of the simulation code are time-dependent?): true



Simulation Domain :

Coordinate System:
    Coordinate Representation:Cartesian CoordinateSystemName: GSM
Simulation Domain Description: Rectangular box containing magnetosphere.
Simulation Domain Caveats: Near-Earth boundary above ionosphere and current layer.
Spatial Dimension: 3
Velocity Dimension: 1
Field Dimension: 1
Units: R_E
Coordinates Label: X, Y, Z
Valid Min: -1000
Valid Max: 1000
Grid Structure: Block-adaptive octree.
Grid Cell Size: 0.0
Symmetry: None
Boundary Condition:
    Boundary Type: FieldBoundary
    Front Wall: inflow
    Back Wall: outflow
    Side Wall: outflow
    Obstacle: no flow

Contacts :

Gabor.Toth, ModelDeveloper
michelle.mendoza, ModelUser

List of Run Input Parameter Grouping and their associated properties :

Name Description Caveats Properties
Solar wind inputs
Time-dependent solar wind plasma and magnetic field inputs.
Solar wind inputs are derived from a single spacecraft usually 200 R_E upstream of the sun-ward (front) simulation box boundary.
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Solar wind plasma density.
Mass density described in terms of number of protons per cubic centimeter. AMU/cm^3 5 0.1 100
Solar wind plasma temperature.
Derived from observed distribution of solar wind particles. Can fluctuate widely when density N is at or below 1 AMU/cm^3. K 200000 10000 2000000
Sun-Earth component of solar wind velocity.
Low solar wind speed (less than 200 km/s in magnitude) usually indicates poor statistics in the solar wind plasma measurements. km/s -400 -3000 -200
Plasma velocity in dawn-dusk direction.
The orbital velocity of Earth (about 29 km/s) is usually neglected. km/s 0 -500 500
Solar wind plasma velocity in north-south direction.
km/s 0 -500 500
Sun-Earth component of solar wind magnetic field.
Bx is usually held constant (zero or average of observed values) to conserve div.B at the front boundary. Alternatively, oblique phase fronts can be assumed that update solar wind conditions along those fronts throughout the front boundary. Bx is then approximated as a linear combination of time dependent By and Bz. nT 0 -100 100
Dawn-dusk component of solar wind magnetic field.
nT 0 -100 100
North-south component of the solar wind magnetic field. 
B_z is most important magnetic field component to drive or inhibit geomagnetic activity.
Other components play a role in connection with the orientation of the Earth's dipole field.
nT -5 -100 100
Name of the spacecraft or data source used to generate solar wind input information.
Currently one of ACE-RT ACE-L2, WIND, OMNI, DSCOVR (real time)
User-submitted data may be from any source or made-up. user-defined
Flag indicating whether solar wind data are constant (initial values) or variable (var).
fixed const var
Constant Bx value fed into the front boundary of the simulation.
nT 0
Coefficient for By in linear combination approximating Bx: 
Bx ~ constant-Bx + By-coefficient*By + Bz-coefficient*Bz
0 -1 1
Coefficient for Bz in linear combination approximating Bx: Bx ~ constant-Bx + By-coefficient*By + Bz-coefficient*Bz
0 -1 1
SW density floor
Lowest value of N applied during pre-processing of solar wind input data.
The density floor in the solar wind varies by magnetosphere model and it's numerical stability. A similar floor may be imposed inside the magnetotail lobes where the density may drop lower than in the solar wind. AMU/cm^3 0.1 0.1 2.5
Flag indicating whether to automatically de-spike solar wind (optional for automatically retrieved data only; use when solar wind data shown in next page have clusters of extreme values in plasma density, temperature or velocity).
Despiking is performed during preprocessing of solar wind inputs. The option is available during run -on request submission on the CCMC web site. True 0 1
De-spike threshold (standard deviations)
sigmas 2 4
De-spike length (number of samples in cluster of extreme values to be eliminated)
3 9
Indicates how solar wind Bx is set: set Bx to a specified constant ('user'), set Bx to the initial solar wind data value ('init'), or use average Bx from solar wind data ('auto').
Flag indicating the solar wind density has been floored with SW_density_floor value to ensure that the model will run through the requested time interval.
Minimum solar wind Fast-Mode mach number
Flag indicating whether solar wind velocity, density or dynamic pressure are large. If they are, the run is a special request requiring attention by CCMC staff. The variables will be accepted unless they exceed certain absolute maximum values.
Magnitude of transverse solar wind magnetic field b_abs=sqrt(B_y^2 + B_z^2)
nT 5 0 100 (100000 for EXO)
Clock angle of transverse solar wind magnetic field orientation, measured from northward direction. b_angle=atan(B_y,B_z) cast into range from 0 to 360 degrees.
degree 180 0 360
Ionosphere conductance model
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Solar irradiation index as represented by the flux of 10.7 cm (2800 MHz) radiation from the Sun measured in units of 10−22 W⋅m−2⋅Hz−1. 
Daily index of solar radiation that affects the daytime background conductivity in the ionosphere. sfu 150 50 300
Parameter indicationg selection of conductance model in the ionosphere electrodynamics component of the model.
The two models offered for run-on-request are constant (user sets Pedersen Conductance and Hall Conductance) and auroral (conducances driven by f10.7 and field-aligned currents from magnetosphere part of the model). constant constant auroral
Pedersen Conductance
Value of constant user-selected Pedersen Conductance in the ionosphere.
S 5 1 100
Hall Conductance
Value of constant user-selected Hall Conductance in the ionosphere.
S 0 0 100
Ionospheric electrodynamics potential solver model name
Ionospheric electrodynamics potential solver model version
Magnetosphere model parameters
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Grid definition referred to by number of cells.
The grids for the different global magnetosphere models are listed in a file GM_grids.txt.
The design of SWMF grids is limitless and cannot be represented adequately with a single parameter. Special Grid: 8.42 mln cells grid with 1/16 resolution, inner boundary at 1.25 Re, R<6Re overwiew grid with 755136 cells 1/8 R_E resolution dayside grid with 18,558,976 cells
The Boris factor reduces the speed of light in a MHD equations, thus reducing the numerical stiffness and allowing explicit time steps to be longer.
The light speed is the largest wave speed in the numerical system. Wave phenomena might be lost with a light speed that is too low. 0.01 0.005 1.0
Type of magnetosphere resistivity model applied. This can be anomalous resistivity driven by electric currents, constant resistivity or hyper-diffusion (artificial resistivity triggered by grid-scale gradients).
A non-zero resistivity is applied only outside of 2 near-Earth boundary radii. none
Value of constant resistivity in magnetosphere.
m^2/s 0 0 1.0E13
Resisitivty factor in anomalous 9current-driven)resistivity model.
resistivity = GM_resistivity_value + GM_anomalous_resistivity_value*(J-GM_resistivity_current_threshold)^2
m^2/s 0 0 1e15
Current value above which anomalous resistivity begins.
muA/m^2 0.7 0 10
Maximum value attained by anomalous resistivity model. Resistivity in thin current sheets with large current densities cannot exceed this value.
m^2/s 0 0 1e15
inflow boundary
Location of sun-ward facing (front) boundary of the magnetosphere simulation box.
R_E 32 24 128
Global magnetosphere model name
Global magnetosphere model version
IMF clock angle
Number of iteration steps during initialization of the magnetosphere model
Numerical solver for magnetosphere MHD
Limiter name for magnetosphere MHD
Limiter beta
Time advance mode in magnetosphere
Magnetosphere time step (for part-implicit advance only)
Flag indicating whether dipole updates throughout the run (True) or dipole set to start time of run (False)
Dipole time
9999/99/99 99:99
Dipole tilt
deg 0
Y component of dipole tilt
deg 0
Flag indicating whether to enable corotation around fixed dipole orientation
Dipole strength - fraction of Earth's current magnetic field
1 0.05 1
Model outputs
Parameters that define the type of outputs generated and the frequency of outputs.
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Time interval between outputs in the magnetosphere and ionosphere electrodynamics.
Other components within a global magnetosphere modeling framework such as ring current or thermosphere model may have their own time scales. Output cadences may differ. s 240 60 1800
Time interval between outputs during satellite tracking in the magnetosphere (or inner mangetosphere) model.
s 5 1 60
Comma-separated list of satellite names (single-word strings used in SSCweb).
Satellite trajectories are obtained from SSCweb's Locator Tabular interface and are typically limited to missions in geospace. none all satellites in SSCweb that are aloft at any time during a model run's time interval
Flag indicating the use of the SWMF model's calculation of ground magnetic perturbations on a grid of positions.
Magnetic perturbations on the ground are calculated using Biot-Savart summation over electric currents on the magnetosphere and ionosphere electrodynamics grids. magnetic-field=aligned currents between ionosphere electrodynamics and magnetosphere are assumed to flow on dipole magnetic field lines. The calculation assumes stationary conditions (infinite speed of light) and does not take into account induction effects due to the Earth's electric ground conductivity. false false true
Coordinate system used in the grid of positions on the ground.
This is either GEO (geographic) or MAG (geomagnetic).
Minimum latitude of the position grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees -90 -90 90
Maximum latitude of the position grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees 90 -90 90
Minimum longitude of grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees 0 0 360
Maximum longitude of grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees 360 0 360
Latitude spacing in grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees 5 1 180
Longitude spacing in grid used to calculate ground magnetic perturbations.
degrees 5 1 360
Time interval between calculation and output of ground magnetic perturbations.
s 60 5 300
Comma-separated list of satellite names
Satellite trajectories are obtained from SSCweb's Locator Tabular interface and are typically limited to missions in geospace. none all satellites in SSCweb that are aloft at any time during a model run's time interval
Flag indicating whether to generate output files along the trajectory of the tracked satellites
Number of steps between outputs when calculating magnetic perturbations on grid of locations
Currently unused
Flag indicating whether to provide CDF output files
This is a post-processing option within the CCMC run-on-request workflow. The option does not affect how the model itself runs. False
Flag indicating whether to generate HDF output files
This is a post-processing option within the CCMC run-on-request workflow. The option does not affect how the model itself runs. False
Flag indicating whether to generate magnetometer output files
Flag indicating whether to run field line tracer to calculate polar cap (region with open field lines).
This is a post-processing option within the CCMC run-on-request workflow. The option does not affect how the model itself runs. True
Exoplanetary run parameters
Parameters pertaining to an exoplanetary run
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Flag indicating whether this is an exoplanetary run
Inner magnetosphere model parameters
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Inner magnetosphere model name
Inner magnetosphere model version
Inner boundary radius
Re 1.25
Inner boundary current radius
Re 1.5
CPCP-driven inner boundary density
Factor for CPCP-driven inner boundary density.
Inner Boundary Density=CPCP-driven_inner_boundary_density + CPCP*factor_for_CPCP-driven_inner_boundary_density
with CPCP the Cross-PolarCap Potential (in kV) - the maximum electric potential minus the minimum potential in the ionosphere electrodynamics (IE) solver.
The maximum value is unknown. A value of 0.1 was recommended by the modelers. Larger values may work but may overly dampen storm time acitivity. 0 0 0.2
Density at the inner boundary (1.25 Re)
50 5 500
Temperature at the inner boundary (1.25 Re)
3000 1500 5000
Radiation belt model
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Radiation belt model name
Radiation belt model version
General parameters
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Type of the run - either driven by real data or by artificial conditions
Driven by artificial conditions
Ring current model
Name Description Caveats Units Default Value or Actual Value Valid Min Valid Max
Flag indicating whether to run Ring Current Model
This is a post-processing option within the CCMC run-on-request workflow. The option does not affect how the model itself runs. False

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