Ionosphere / Thermosphere
The GEMSOR provides occurrence rates (ORs) of blanketing sporadic-E with intensities of fbEs ≥ 3 MHz. ORs are estimated from a combination of ionosonde & GNSS radio occultation observations, with a Karhunen–Loéve Expansion (KLE) used to improve temporal resolution.
Horizontal Wind Model 2014 (HWM14)
Ionospheric Bubble Probability (IBP) model.
International Reference Ionsophere (IRI).
Predictive models from NRLMSIS 00 and 2.0
SuperDARN Convection Models
Statistical convection models from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN).
The Swipe model is an empirical model of high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics based on Swarm ion drift measurements, and Swarm and CHallenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) magnetic field measurements.
Wideband ionospheric scintillation model.
Weimer models are statistical electric potential models for the high-latitude ionosphere.
This tool provides an online interactive platform to generate instantaneous polarimetric radiances with 4 Stokes parameters and their Jacobians near the 118.75 O2 spectral line by taking user specified inputs.
Geoelectric field calculation tool
The Geoelectric Field Calculator Tool allows computation of the ground geoelectric field for a given single-point geomagnetic field time series coupled with either a one-dimensional (1D) ground conductivity, or a three-dimensional (3D) surface impedance, ground response model.
This software package includes (1) an improved and updated version of the old MODEL program (MODEL87), (2) an interactive driver program (RADBELT), (3) the electron AE-8 and proton AP-8 flux maps for solar maximum and minimum, and (4) the interpolation subroutines.
CM5 is a member of a suite of "Comprehensive Models" (CMs) that describes the near-Earth magnetic field. CM5 is an empirical inverse model derived from pre-Swarm satellite data (CHAMP, Oersted, and SAC-C) and ground observatory data from August 2000 to January 2013.
The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model is the empirical representation of the Earth's magnetic field recommended for scientific use by a special Working Group of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA).
Tsyganenko Magnetic Field
Tsyganenko models are semi-empirical best-fit representations for the magnetic field, based on a large number of satellite observations (IMP, HEOS, ISEE, POLAR, Geotail, GOES, etc). The models include the contributions from major external magnetospheric sources: ring current, magnetotail current system, magnetopause currents, and large-scale system of field-aligned currents.
WINDMI is a low-dimensional model of the energy transfer from the solar wind through the magnetosphere and into the ionosphere.