vw |
constant vertical wind (cm/s)
-best to leave vw=0 |
cm/s |
0. |
maxstep |
maximum number of time steps
- for a normal run (e.g., 48 hrs), this is a large integer, e.g., maxstep = 10000000
- for testing/debugging it can be set to a smaller number, e.g., maxstep = 10 |
1000000 |
hrmax |
runtime (hrs)
- maximum runtime is hrmax = 168 (7 days)
- nominal minimum runtime is hrmax = 36
(it takes ∼ 12 hrs for the ionosphere to develop) |
168.000 |
dthr |
output cadence (hrs)
- nominal output cadence is dthr = 0.25 (15 min)
- for testing/debugging it can be reduced to output data more often |
hours |
.25 |
hrpr |
time data starts to be output
- nominally hrpr = 0 and data is output from beginning of the run
- alternatively, if hrmax = 48 and hrpr = 24, data is output starting after the first day
(this reduces the size of the output files) |
hours |
24. |
dt0 |
maximum time step (sec)
- should be in the range 2 - 8 sec
- the larger dt0, the faster the code runs in general
- however, depending on geophysical conditions and the grid, the code can give un- physical
results if initially too large (e.g., dt0 = 8) |
seconds |
4. |
imonth_1 |
month of starting day-of-year |
4 |
iday_1 |
day (in month) of starting day-of-year |
6 |
imonth_2 |
month of last day-of-year |
4 |
iday 2 |
day (in month) of last day-of-year |
rmin |
used to specify grid along the magnetic field
- best to leave rmin = 90 |
90. |
altmin |
used to specify grid along the magnetic field
- best to leave altmin = 85 km |
85. |
fbar |
- 81 day average of F10.7 |
f10p7 |
- solar radio flux at 10.7 cm
- used as a measure of solar activity |
Ap |
Ap index
- The Ap index is a daily measure of magnetic activity |
9.00000,6.00000,7.00000,9.00000,7.00000,5.00000,5.00000,5.00000 |
iyear |
Year of the event |
2024 |
nday |
Day-of-the-year (DOY) of the event
- the first value is the starting day-of-year |
97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104 |
mmass |
mass number used in nrlmsise00
- mmass = 48 (do not change) |
48 |
nion1 |
first ion specie
- nion1 = 1 (H+) (do not change) |
1 |
nion2 |
last ion specie
- nion1 = 7 (N+) (do not change) |
7 |
hrinit |
starting time (UT hrs)
- nominal value hrinit = 0 (i.e., midnight GMT) - best not to change |
UT hours |
0. |
tvn0 |
modifies the magnitude of the neutral wind speed
- nominally tvn0 = 1
- use caution when changing, e.g., tvn0 = 2 will double the neutral wind speed |
1. |
tvexb0 |
modifies the magnitude of the E × B velocity
- nominally tvexb0 = 1
- use caution when changing, e.g., tvexb0 = 0 will set the E × B drift to 0 |
1. |
ver |
not used (leave 0) |
0. |
veh |
not used (leave 0) |
0. |
gams |
adjusts grid spacing along the magnetic field line
- best to leave gams = .1 |
.1 |
gamp |
adjusts grid spacing in latitude
- best to leave gams = 2.5 |
2.5 |
snn |
multiplier for neutral densities
- the 7 entries correspond to the 7 neutral species in parameter mod.f90
- for example, if snn = 1.,2.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1., then the oxygen neutral density is doubled |
1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. |
stn |
multiplier for the neutral temperature
- this will change the ion temperatures because of ion-neutral coupling - it will not change the scale height of the neutrals |
1. |
denmin |
minimum ion density allowed (cm−3)
- best to leave denmin = 1.e-6 |
1.e-6 |
alt_crit |
alt_crit |
150. |
cqe |
cqe |
6.e-14 |
alt_crit_avg |
used to specify values at high latitude boundary
- best to leave alt_crit_avg = 6370. |
6370. |
blat_min |
latitude of the base of the first field line
- best to leave blat_min = 6.85 |
6.85 |
blat_max |
latitude of the base of the higest field line
- nominal values 60-89 (degree)
- maximum value is 89 (degree) |
degree |
89. |
psmooth |
smoothing factor (not used) |
1 |
hall |
Hall conductivity
- hall = true (include the Hall and Pedersen conductances in the potential solver)
- hall = false (include only the Pedersen conductance in the potential solver)
- by toggling this switch the influence of the Hall conductance on the electric field is elucidated
- generally, hall = true should be used |
True |
restart |
restart a run
- restart = false (do not restart)
- restart = true (restart a run; needs rst files) |
False |
storm_ti |
for Volland-Stern potential (not used) |
52. |
storm_tf |
for Volland-Stern potential (not used) |
60. |
vexb_max |
maximum E X B velocity (cm/s)
- nominally use 40 km/s; doesn't affect ionosphere dynnamics |
cm/s |
4e6 |
lmadala |
potential solver.
- lmadala = true (solve for the neutral wind dynamo field)
- lmadala = false (does not solve for the dynamo field: E X B drift is zero) |
True |
lcr |
corotation potential.
- lcr = true (adds the corotation potential)
- lcr = false (does not add the corotation potenial_
- best to leave lcr = false |
False |
lvs |
Volland-Stern high latitude potential.
- best to leave lvs = false |
False |
lweimer |
Weimer high latitude potential.
- lweimer = true (use Weimer high latitude potential); needs OMNI.txt file linked to year of Weimer data file.
- lweimer = false (do not use Weimer high latitude potential) |
True |
decay_time |
enhanced loss of H+ and He+.
- invoked at distance greater than pcrit . RE where RE is the earth radius |
1. |
pcrit |
used for emhanced loss (see decay_time).
- nominally, pcrit = 8 |
8. |
lhwm93 |
HWM93 neutral wind model.
- lhwm93 = true (use HWM93)
- lhwm93 = false (do not use HWM93)
- nominally use lhwm93 = false |
False |
lhwm14 |
HWM14 neutral wind model.
- lhwm14 = true (use HWM14)
- lhwm14 = false (do not use HWM14)
- nominally use lhwm14 = true |
True |
anu_drag0 |
anomalous ion drag.
- nominally, use anu_drag0 = 4.e3
- used to prevent high velocity nighttime flows into the ionosphere from the plasmasphere |
4.e3 |
kp |
Kp index.
- used in the Hardy model
- valid values are 1 to 6 |
2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1 |
xhardy |
modifies ionization associated with high latitude precipitation.
- nominal value xhardy = 1 |
1. |
tphi |
how often the potential equation is solved (sec).
- nominal value tphi = 60 |
second |
60. |
euv_fac |
modifies EUVAC spectrum.
- nominal value euv_fac = 1
- euv_fac < 1 decreases EUV intensity
- euv_fac > 1 increases EUV intensity |
1. |
tmax |
maximum electron temperature (K).
- nominal range 10^4 - 10^5 |
K |
1.e4 |
lfism |
FISM EUV spectrum.
- lfism = true (use FISM daily spectrum); needs fism linked to FISM year data (up to 2018)
- lfism = false (use EUVAC spectrum) |
False |
neutral_atmosphere_model |
Neutral atmosphere model used in the SAMI3 simulation (NRLMSIS2.1/HWM14 or TIEGCM/WEIMER or ICON-TIEGCM) |
Note the allowed interval of ICON-TIEGCM is based on the availability of ICON level 4 data (2019/12/22-2021/12/30) |