CME Analysis Information (for CME activity ID: 2014-12-19T00:27:00-CME-001)
Data Level: 1 (0=real-time, 1=real-time and checked by supervising forecaster, 2=retrospective science level data analysis)
Use as primary measurement: true
Measurement Technique:
Detecting Instruments:
Image Type:
running difference
Speed (km/s):
Speed measured at height (Rs):
Type: O
Direction (LON/LAT in HEEQ):
Half Angular Width (degree): 44.0
Minor Half-width (degree): None Entered
Tilt (degree): None Entered
Time@21.5: 2014-12-19T00:48Z
Info/Session URL: None Entered
Note: Additional parameters for the shock front based on SWPC_CAT. The CME is beyond the SOHO LASCO C2 field of view at the start due to a data gap in SOHO imagery. STEREO A & B are unavailable for this event. There are two eruptions on the Earth-facing disk, one on the limb that is a filament eruption and one that is the flare associated with the CME. Since we can't see the start of the CME entering the coronagraph, it is unclear if this measurement is including features that resulted from the filament or only the flare.
Measurement Feature Code(s):
SH: Shock Front
General Keyword(s):
Submitted on 2023-10-20T18:55Z by
Carina Alden
No Notification has been sent for this activity yet.