CME Analysis Information (for CME activity ID: 2024-01-06T08:12:00-CME-001)
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Data Level: 0 (0=real-time, 1=real-time and checked by supervising forecaster, 2=retrospective science level data analysis)
Use as primary measurement: true
Measurement Technique:
Detecting Instruments:
Image Type:
running difference
Speed (km/s):
Speed measured at height (Rs):
Type: C
Direction (LON/LAT in HEEQ):
Half Angular Width (degree): 10.0
Minor Half-width (degree): None Entered
Tilt (degree): None Entered
Time@21.5: 2024-01-06T12:19Z
Info/Session URL: None Entered
Note: Measurement using only SOHO LASCO C2/C3 frames due to a COR2A data gap. Assumed a source near the center of the dimming region to start (around S06E05), finding some deflection eastward further evidenced by GOES SUVI 304 imagery of filamentary material erupting more SE of the dimming region. Originally thought to be 2 fronts, with a second one emerging at T09:36Z, but this analysis considers that to be the core of one, larger CME here.
Measurement Feature Code(s):
LE: Leading Edge
General Keyword(s):
Submitted on 2024-01-06T23:27Z by
Tony Iampietro
A Notification with ID
20240106-AL-001 was sent on 2024-01-06T23:55Z