CME Analysis Information (for CME activity ID: 2024-07-23T14:48:00-CME-001)
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Data Level: 0 (0=real-time, 1=real-time and checked by supervising forecaster, 2=retrospective science level data analysis)
Use as primary measurement: false
Measurement Technique:
Detecting Instruments:
Image Type:
running difference
Speed (km/s):
Speed measured at height (Rs):
Type: C
Direction (LON/LAT in HEEQ):
Half Angular Width (degree): 42.0
Minor Half-width (degree): None Entered
Tilt (degree): None Entered
Time@21.5: 2024-07-23T19:27Z
Info/Session URL: None Entered
Note: Preliminary BULK measurement of the CME using only STEREO COR2A data and the source of the M2.4 flare as a basis, finding a good visual fit around E70. SOHO LASCO C3 is used roughly to help line up to E70--but poor data quality prevented reliable use of C3 for an actual measurement. SOHO has yet to backfill data covering this CME outside of the latest frames, and imagery currently available is choppy and not usable, so this presented analysis is the best possible until SOHO downlinks data over this period and is subject to change upon further analysis.
Measurement Feature Code(s):
LE: Leading Edge
General Keyword(s):
Submitted on 2024-07-24T02:42Z by
Tony Iampietro
No Notification has been sent for this activity yet.